0W-16, 0W-20, 5W-30, 0W-40, 5W-40 which one ?
- First and foremost, if you are still thinking semi synthetic oil is a cheap alternative to fully synthetic oil. STOP! The group 1 & 2 base oil price to make a semi synthetic is no longer the same decades ago and the fully synthetic oil of today has become very competitive. So in short, use only fully synthetic oil.
- Engine Oils are graded according to their viscosity – basically how thick or thin they are. The term viscosity measures that. The higher the rear rating (eg 5W-40) the thicker the oil. The lower the rear rating (eg 0W-16) the thinner the oil. The front rating (eg 5W-, 0W-) gives an indication how thin/thick the oil behaves at cold temperature.
- Oil that’s too thick won’t flow properly through your engine, while oil that’s too thin won’t protect moving parts from wear and tear. Viscosity increases as the temperature drops and decreases as the temperature rises.
- Between 5W-40 and 0W-40 ? If all things equal other than viscosity, the better oil is 0W-40 as the oil is thin enough to flow to all parts of the engine when the temperature is cold.
- Most cars in Singapore are using 5W-30 as standard. In general, changing from a 5W-40 to 5W-30 will provide fuel consumption savings without sacrificing on the engine protection.
- Today in Singapore where the car age is typically young and the number of Hybrid vehicle is a common scene, the 0W-20/0W-16 oil has become very popular. Most of these oils will provide at least 2 percent petrol savings over the next viscosity grade.
- Parting words : Lower viscosity rating oil are the one of key design goal of lubricant companies with car manufacturers to bring downs fuel consumption which leads to better emission. So next oil change, know what oil is in your car.
In today’s context with a full tank of petrol costing almost $200, any savings matter!
AMSOIL is the first company in the world to produce fully synthetic oil and thus the slogan “First in Synthetics”. More than 100 workshops in Singapore carry Amsoil products with a wide range to suit any car model and mileage.
Feel free to leave us a comment/PM and check on which is the most suitable engine oil for you today!